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Movie Review : Once Upon A Time in Amritsar (OUATIA)

Director Harjit Ricky

Starring : DilPreet Dhillon, Gujind Maan, Pavan Malhotra, Tanvi Nagi, Sonia Kaur, Mohit Banwait

Ratings : *** (3/5)

Run Time : 116 Minutes

Synopsis : Dilpreet and Gurjind set out to Amritsar, the holy abode of Sikhs, in search for the ulterior motive of their life and ask the Satguru to direct them towards the fulfillment of that motive. After seeking the blessings of the Almighty at the Golden temple, fate rolls the dice and their life undergoes a twist.

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Movie Teview : : Director Harjit Singh Ricky is back with ” OUATIA ” after ‘Sirphire’ and ‘Jatt Airways’. This time he steals the show with accurate script & almost good direction.It has some technical flaws but it could be ignored.

Star Performances : It`s debut movie of singer turned actor ‘ Dilpreet Dhillon ‘ he has done decent job on other side Gurjind Maan steals the show with his acting & expressions. Story & dialogues are also written by him. Punjabi industry now has a new face who also can act! Pavan Malhotra in role of police officer has delivered commendable job as well as Asish Duggal what an versatile actor he is..

Nothing much to do for female characters in this movie lead ladies who has made debut in punjabi cinema ‘ Tanvi Nagi’ & ‘ Sonia Kaur ‘ has no dialogues in movie. In role of Dumb girl is strictly ok with her acting very soon she will be seen in bollywood movie as lead & second lead in upcoming punjabi movie ” Nikka Zaildar “.

BN sharma will make u laugh with his perfect comic timing with Dolly Minhas. Shivendra Mahal is ok but nothing much to do for Amritpal Chottu in movie.

Direction & Screenplay : Harjit Ricky has done commendable job. Screenplay of movie is almost engaging. it will keep you stuck with seats. Climax of the movie will surely make you eyes wet.

Music : OUATIA has good music, BGM by gurcharan virk is excellent.

Final Words : OUATIA has good story, Some marvellous performances, melodious music you should enjoy this movie over this weekend to make your weekend memorable.

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