Deep Sidhu has Transformed himself for his upcoming movie JORA -10 NUMBARIA . He seems like totally ready for movie. He is working out so hard on his physique, to get into a character it is not easy for an actor to resemble the person they are playing, for this thing also he is getting fully prepared.
Tagline of movie is  “POLITICS IS THE LAST REFUGE OF SCOUNDRELS”  it shoes movie is all about MAFIA, ACTION and POLITICAL DRAMA.
The shoot of the movie will start from September 2016 onwards,Written and Directed by Amardeep Singh Gill. Starring : Dharmindera, Deep Sidhu, Guggu Gill,Sardar Sohi, Ashish Duggal, Hobby Dhaliwal,Yaad Grewel, Mukul Dev and others.
It`s Bathinde Wale Bai Films And Renea’ Films Presentation.
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